Daddy-Long-Legs Mailbox

UX Case Study

Project Overview

Daddy-Long-Legs’ Mailbox is my volunteer project to care for left-behind kids in China. This project has built a bridge between the left-behind kids and volunteers by correspondence.

I designed an online mail system so that volunteers can reply to kids and manage all the corresponding tasks. By far, there are around 1500 users of this system.


Oct 2020 - Nov 2020

My role

Product designer, Product Manager

🧸 What Really Matters for Loneliness Among Left-Behind Children in Rural China

In rural China, left-behind children are likely to suffer chronic loneliness. Research has identified a variety of factors that may be associated with loneliness among these children.

💌 Make the experience of correspondence smoother

Daddy-long-legs is an NGO that cares for left-behind kids. Every month, Daddy-long-legs receive thousands of letters from the left-behind kids. Volunteers need to scan the paper letter and distribute it to other volunteers to reply. It is time-consuming and complicated.

To make the process easier and more traceable, as a volunteer in this NGO, I designed an online system where volunteers can work on all the tasks online. Below is a selected feature to showcase how it works.

Below: The workflow to reply a letter